Frieze, la più prestigiosa delle fiere d’arte britanniche, ha già acceso i motori e si prepara a partire il prossimo 11 ottobre 2012 (rimanendo in visione fino al 14 ottobre). Nel frattempo Clare Lilley, direttore dell’abituale programma di sculture outdoor situate in Regent’s Park e denominato Frieze Sculpture Park ha già annunciato i partecipanti dell’edizione 2012.
Ecco la lista completa di chi sarà chiamato a riempire il bellissimo parco di Londra con relativo titolo dell’opera e galleria di riferimento :
Hemali Bhuta, Speed Breakers (2012), Project 88 (supported by Creative India Foundation)
Adip Dutta, Nestled (2012), Experimenter
Sam Falls, Untitled Sculpture (blue, burgundy, tangerine, teal, #5) (2012), International Art Objects Galleries
Hans Josephsohn, Untitled (1970 – 2010), Hauser & Wirth

Alan Kane and Simon Periton, eight fculptures (2012), Ancient & Modern, Sadie Coles HQ

Yayoi Kusama, Flowers That Bloom Tomorrow (2011), Victoria Miro

Sean Landers, Pan (2006), greengrassi

Michael Landy, Self-portrait as Rubbish Bin (2012), Thomas Dane Gallery

Peter Liversidge, Everything is Connected (2012), Ingleby Gallery
Andreas Lolis, 21st Century Relics (Composition in 7 parts) (2012), The Breeder

Jean-Luc Moulène, Body Versus Twizy (2011), Galerie Chantal Crousel, Collection Renault, France
David Nash, Black Light (2012), Annely Juda Fine Art
Damián Ortega, Through / True Stone 2012, White Cube
Anri Sala, Clocked Perspective (2012), Hauser & Wirth
Thomas Scheibitz, Smiley (2009), Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, Sprüth Magers Berlin London

William Turnbull, Horse (1999), Waddington Custot Galleries
Maria Zahle, Tree Stripe (2012), Arcade